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Midnight in Monaco: A Billionaire Romance Page 4

  “Now, you recover.” He sat on the edge of the bed. “I thought, maybe, I’d stick around for that.”

  “Maybe?” she teased.

  “OK. Definitely.” Tucker smiled.

  “Until I recover?” She knew that she was pressing the issue but she wanted to know how much time she had with him.

  “Or longer.” He kissed her with slow, tempered passion. “I’d like to learn more about these other places you plan on traveling to. I’m thinking that you might need a bodyguard.”

  Lydia laughed. “You know, before I would have said that you were crazy, but I’m starting to think that you are right.”

  “Let’s just focus on getting you healthy first.” Tucker leaned forward to kiss her with a smile on his lips. The instinctive reaction of her body warned Lydia that she had better focus on healing fast.


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  Now flip the page to enjoy your bonus 5-book interracial romance bundle!

  Bonus 5-Book Interracial Romance Bundle

  Fighting For Love

  Forbidden Seduction

  SEALed Hearts

  Tempted by the Alpha Billionaire

  Claimed by the Alpha Bear

  Jenna Pitsenburg, a no-nonsense sports agent, receives the opportunity of a lifetime in the form of a lucrative promotion that will catapult her directly into the career of her dreams. The only problem is that the terms of the promotion come with a major hitch: her future career hinges on the completion of a successful contract with a particular high-profile client—none other than bad-boy, professional MMA fighter, Alexander Rockwell.

  Jenna wants nothing to do with her arrogant, super-star, ex-boyfriend, the man who disappeared without a trace from her bed over five years ago. She’s heard about the terrible reputation he has developed on his search for fame and glory and she has little confidence in his ability to change.

  However, Jenna, armed for battle, is not prepared to discover that his journey has left Alex feeling unfulfilled and in need of a new direction in his life—a new direction that he has every intention of sharing with Jenna...

  Fighting For Love

  Jenna Pitsenburg sat suddenly upright in the center of her plush queen-sized bed. Her sleep mask was shoved haphazardly toward the messy bun that sprouted directly from the top of her head while she glanced with disdain at the bedside alarm clock. It read 4:59 A.M.

  With only moments to spare she cancelled the alarm before it released an obnoxious, ear-splitting ring that would have been enough to cause a heart attack if rousing its victims from a deep slumber.

  Disentangling her legs from the satin bed-covers, Jenna shifted the sheer nightgown to fit more comfortably over her voluminous breasts. Even though she had rarely made time to date these past five years, it always made her feel beautiful to start her day in luxurious clothing. She had developed the habit years ago after realizing how much her confidence soared when waking in the morning to her boyfriend gazing at her lush frame with pure adoration. Wanting to maximize his pleasure Jenna had invested in a glamorous collection of plus-sized nightwear that remained long after the relationship had ended.

  Jenna’s eyebrows pinched together in confusion. It had been a long time since she had associated her pyjamas with Alex. Generally she was successful at pushing his memory to the back of her mind, a habit developed out of extreme necessity and self-preservation. Most of the original pieces had been replaced over time so, why then, had her mind strayed down that particular path?

  Then, like a bucket of ice water rushing over her skin, she remembered.

  Jenna rocketed out of bed and rushed down the hallway to the office of her small Chicago condominium.

  “Please be a dream. Please be a dream.” She muttered relentlessly as if sheer determination could make it true.

  As she waited for her computer to load she paced anxiously around the tiny office still whispering the same four words like a desperate plea to the universe.

  The screen flashed to life and Jenna settled into the yellow upholstered chair at her desk.

  She took a deep, steadying breath.

  “It IS a dream. It HAS to be.” She logged in to her email account and accessed a message from only the night before.

  Ms. Pitsenburg,

  We are pleased to inform you that the Board of Directors has noted your exceptional performance representing Mr. Caulfield during his recent sponsorship negotiations with Laramex, Inc.

  It has come to our attention that you have submitted an application for the position of Senior Account Executive here at Bramble and Bowman.

  As you are well aware, there are two other qualified applicants who surpass you in years of account experience at this time.

  However, the board feels that in the seven years you have been with us you have shown extreme talent and tenacity that has yielded results comparable to those with more tenure.

  For this reason we have decided to present you with an opportunity to prove that you are the most qualified candidate for the position of Senior Account Executive.

  We have received notice of an athlete in need of a fresh new agent who has specifically requested your services. If you are made Senior Account Executive you will no longer be working individually with athletes but instead will be directing and consulting with the agents of your current position. This is your chance to prove that you are capable of handling a high-profile account with the precision and professionalism that you would potentially expect of all agents under your senior guidance.

  Alexander Rockwell, the professional Mixed Martial Arts fighter, will be returning from a six-month sabbatical on September 8th. You are to retrieve him from the O’Hare International Airport promptly at 2pm. Lena Norway has been assigned as your personal assistant for this account.

  Please note that Mr. Rockwell will remain your client through December 31st at which point the account will be reviewed in regard to acceptance or denial of the promotion.


  Jonathan Bowman

  Chairman of the Board

  With a resounding thud Jenna dropped her head to the desktop. No wonder her mind had focused on Alex this morning. Starting today she would be his agent, representing him in some of the most important decisions of both of their careers.

  She was torn between excitement and agony.

  Jenna had been working for this opportunity for seven long years, since even before she had initially met Alex. She had not then had the experience needed to take him where he was going professionally. He had been a rising star and she, a lowly pencil pusher. Now, though, they were both at the top of their game. Equals.

  Even with all of her success as a sports agent Jenna did not understand why Alex would have requested her specifically. They had not ended on the best of terms, or rather; they had hardly ended on any terms at all. One day Alex was beside her, and the next he was gone, packed up like a thief in the night. Two months later she had seen him in a television interview with a leggy blonde draped on his arm, and six weeks after that, a bikini model with flowing chestnut-brown hair. Jenna could not imagine ever wearing a bikini but, she smiled to herself, she did have a pretty amazing one-piece that made her feel like a sultry Marilyn Monroe in candy-apple red.

  With newfound determination Jenna sat up. She had not seen Alex in five years. For all either of them cared he was just a regular client choosing the best agent available. She refused to let him rain on her parade. She was going to be Senior Account Executive and the notion of working with that scumbag would not slow her down.

  With that thought, Jenna rose and went to prepare for the day ahead.

  An hour later Jenna entered the offices of Bramble and Bowman wearing a crème tie-neck blouse, full skirt and a pair of elegant black stilettos that meant serious business. Her olive skin still had a slight tan from the summer
sun and the stylish chignon emphasized her sleek auburn hair.

  Lena Norway, who was perched casually on the edge of her own desk, bounced with excitement as Jenna drew near.

  “What are you doing here?” Jenna asked. “I thought you weren’t supposed to be back from the family reunion until tomorrow.”

  “Excuse me?” Lena threw an incredulous look over her shoulder as they marched toward Jenna’s glass encased office. “I switched my plane tickets as soon as I got the email last night. Did you really think I would miss your first day as S.A.E?”

  “I have a lot of work to do before I get the promotion, Lena.”

  “Ok, fine. You aren’t S.A.E. Yet. But what kind of best friend would I be if I sent you to the wolves on day one.” Lena shrugged. “ OK. Wolf.”

  “It isn’t going to be like that.” Jenna said confidently. She closed the door to her office as if she could close the door on the subject. Unfortunately, Lena persisted.

  “No? So, you’re fine?” Lena raised an eyebrow. “It doesn’t bother you at all that you will be working for the love of your life?”

  “He isn’t the love of my life.” Jenna protested.

  “Fine. He isn’t the love of your life. But he used to be.”

  “This is just a professional relationship. I haven’t seen Alex in over five years. Everything that happened in the past is just that, in the past. As far as I am concerned I never have to see him again after New Years Eve.” Jenna was proud of the conviction with which she was able to present the speech. She was absolutely certain that she would be able to remain professionally detached from the situation as long as she did not have to re-examine long buried issues. She just hoped that Alexander Rockwell shared her mindset.

  “I hope that’s true.” Lena turned the coffee machine on and waited for two mugs to fill. Then she continued very quietly. “I am just worried about you, Jen. Last time… well, sometimes I wonder if you ever really got over it. I know you’ve moved on and I know you have your life just the way you’ve always wanted, but there hasn’t been anyone since Alex. No matter how many guys ask you out, you haven’t let anyone else even begin to get close.” Walking over to her friend, Lena handed her a steaming mug. “Just tell me the truth, please, because I am only going to ask this once. Is this promotion worth going through all of that again? Is it so important that you can’t just tell them that you aren’t ready.”

  Jenna blew on her coffee while she contemplated her answer. There had been a lot of things in her future she had wanted. Most of them disappeared when Alex did. This job was something that had always been there for her. She was not going to let him take this from her as well.

  “I want this promotion more than anything and I am ready for it. I mean that with my whole heart, Lena. If I pass up this opportunity I don’t know how long it will be before it comes again. This is my chance. Alexander Rockwell is just a client and I am not going to let him stand in my way.

  “OK, Boss-man.” Lena’s entire demeanor reverted to her usual spunky self. “Tell me what to do!”

  Jenna laughed.

  “First I need you to book a room in the best hotel that has a penthouse open for a few months. That will give us time to find him a permanent residence. Then, I need you to have groceries delivered to the room. Focus mainly on veggies and protein. He is going to need a clean diet if he is training.” Lena scribbled frantically on a small notepad in her hand. “He doesn’t like carrots, but send them anyway because he needs the crunch after a hard workout and we don’t want him resorting to chips. Don’t give me that look.” Jenna laughed, as Lena froze with her mouth open. “Think of it as good recon, we will use my knowledge to do a better job.” She pointed at the notepad to remind Lena to keep writing. “Next, if you could call his trainer, Marco Mandelli, and get a release for his full calendar, sync it with ours and then send it to Bethany in promotions to see if there are any events we can book him for in his free time. If you start with that, while I schedule a signing for this afternoon and call some potential sponsors, I should be able to get to the airport by one-thirty.”

  Jenna took a deep breath and checked her watch. This was going to be a piece of cake, she thought.

  By the time one o’clock rolled around Jenna had booked meetings with four potential sponsors and a short photo-op at a local youth gym. If they could land two major sponsorships, Alex would not have to worry about any of his general expenses. After that, any minor sponsors would only increase the fighter’s personal income.

  Jenna was exhausted after the long hours of phone conversations. While Alex Rockwell was famous and talented enough to garner attention, it would still take all of Jenna’s skill to convince a sponsor to spend millions of dollars on a single athlete. To close the deal Jenna would need Alex to meet with the sponsor and sell himself as a worthy investment.

  Unfortunately, Alex was not known for having a positive relationship with his sponsors. The arrogant and self-serving attitude that he had developed in the last four years had estranged him from enough sponsors to make it imperative for Jenna to rebuild his reputation if they were going to land a significant account. It was for this reason that she has scheduled his first public event at a youth gym rather than a raucous sports bar or amateur training facility.

  Jenna thought that having even four sponsors willing to discuss a relationship with the temperamental fighter would be considered a success for any agent and she was not about to let Alex miss an opportunity by causing a scene on his first day back.

  At the moment Lena walked briskly into Jenna’s office.

  “It has all been arranged. I even checked the hotel room, made sure the groceries had been put away properly, and delivered a small binder with lists for local amusements and dining options.” Lena handed over a folder that Jenna knew would contain a more detailed account of what she had accomplished for the day. “He had an opening tomorrow morning so I scheduled a massage in the spa of the hotel. I hope this will improve his mood when you drop the bomb about being nice to the sponsors.”

  “You are amazing.” Jenna beamed. “That is exactly what I am going to have to convince him of, and I think a little relaxation might be just what it takes to let me slip under his skin.”

  “Hopefully that is all you will be slipping under…” Lena winked, but Jenna could tell that her friend meant the comment in a light-hearted way, so she laughed as well.

  Jenna slipped her feet back into the dramatic heels, buttoned the snap on her skirt that she had released in pure ecstasy after a particularly lengthy phone conversation had prevented her from a much needed bathroom break, and shoved the folder in her purse as she breezed past Lena through the glass doorway.

  Lena followed Jenna into the elegant office restrooms where Jenna relieved herself and the women refreshed their makeup in preparation for the rest of the day.

  “I need to get to the airport before his flight lands…” Jenna began.

  “Don’t bother taking your car, you’ll never find parking. I called a driver who should be waiting for you downstairs any moment. He will drive around until the plane lands and pick you both up outside the main entrance. I put it on the company account. Also,” Lena grabbed a travel mug of coffee from her desk, “you’ll need this. Two crèmes, two sugars. Make sure you stop on Lakeshore before you take him to the hotel. He’ll enjoy the city more if he sees the water first.”

  Before Lena could continue Jenna had enveloped her in a massive hug.

  “What would I do without you?” Jenna released her friend.

  Lena gave Jenna a soft pat on her backside as she pushed her towards the elevators.

  “Go get ‘em tiger.” She waved. “You make him rue the day he ever thought he could do this without you!”

  The elevator doors clicked shut and Jenna felt a smile spread slowly across her face. With Lena at her side, Jenna knew she could handle anything that Alex Rockwell could throw their way.

  An hour later Jenna watched through the large glass windo
ws as the plane eased into its assigned gate. For an instant she felt a slight flutter of nervousness. Sliding her hands down her skirt to ensure that each pleat was properly positioned, Jenna took a deep breath and felt her heart settle into a gentle cadence. She refreshed her lipstick and shouldered an oversized designer day bag that was efficiently stocked with anything that she might need at a moment's notice.

  As the passengers began to disembark from the airliner, Jenna held up an elegant cardboard sign with her client’s name printed in large black letters over the white surface. She chuckled to herself as she imagined what Alex might think when he saw it. Clearly, he was aware that she was his agent, having requested her services specifically, but there was also no chance of him having trouble recognizing her. Other than a more sophisticated, and expensive, wardrobe Jenna looked much the same as she had five years ago. OK, so maybe her face was slightly thinner from the ten pounds she had slaved to lose after the holidays last year but that was not enough for anyone, except maybe Lena, to notice.

  The sign, she thought, was more of a statement of their arrangement. This was how she would have greeted any client that she had never met before, and Alex would not receive special liberties because they had once been acquainted. More than acquainted if she was being perfectly honest.

  As she allowed herself one more self-indulgent giggle, Jenna witness Alex crossing the lobby with a small carry-on tucked under his arm. He made a beeline for her position at the window while cocking a remarkably sexy half-grin that used to make Jenna weak at the knees. Today, it annoyed her.